Im bord so i got into it XD
I see this squads moving away form the building. The civillains tv start to static a bit. I stand in a distance far building
seeing this troopers shooting this zombies. Im seeing threw the window whats going on. I slowly hold out my rpg
i take my shoot them seeing it in the last second. they get hit and blown to pieces. One squad enters the building
using the shotgun to break the door. They swarm upstairs with flash lights connected. The squads outside point there guns up to this man. I sudden go to the stairs here. The squad in the building notice time bombs on the walls.
I jump out of this building going into the dumpster no sound made. the building blows up here. The squad in there dies
The helicopters try to find this project from left to right. They couldn't find him at all. I enter the sewers escaping this
people. The civilains watching this are crying.